Press Release: Oral Enzymes and Insulin Levels Impacted by Sweetened Drinks

Posted on September 06, 2023 by Admin

Study determines whether the intake of sweetened beverages affects the levels of salivary insulin, aspartame, alpha-amylase (AMI), and total protein (TP).


The global consumption of foods and beverages containing sweeteners is high, as many individuals innately prefer sweet taste. In fact, many people have replaced sugar with sweeteners due to their reduced caloric density as compared to sucrose.

The World Health Organization (WHO) advises that non-sugar sweeteners should not be used solely to control weight, as there is a lack of evidence regarding their benefits for long-term use. Some studies have indicated that sweetener use causes the development of glucose intolerance in obese individuals. Thus, more research is needed to understand whether long-term sweetener use affects metabolism or causes adverse effects.


The current single-blinded randomized trial investigates the levels of salivary aspartame, total protein, salivary AMI, and insulin levels after the ingestion of sweetened drinks.

A total of 15 healthy, normoglycemic young adults were included in the study cohort, 11 of whom were women. All candidates had healthy oral conditions, and none reported any underlying chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. All participants were asked to stop the intake of sweeteners in their diets one week before the commencement of the trial and during the trial.

A total of five sessions were attended by participants, during which they were asked to drink 200 mL of test drinks at each session. The five different test drinks used in this study were diet soft drinks, regular soft drinks, mineral water with sweeteners, the same products with low sucrose content of 0.02 g/mL, and water.

At every session, participants visited the laboratory without consuming food or drinks until the end of all saliva collections. Five saliva samples were collected in each session, including before ingestion of the test drink, 15 minutes after ingestion of the test drink, after 30 minutes, after 60 minutes, and after 120 minutes, which were referred to as T0, T1, T2, T3, and T4, respectively.


Aspartame was detected in the saliva of individuals who drank diet soft drinks and water with sweeteners. A steady rise in aspartame was observed at T4, thus indicating that aspartame remains in the digestive tract for a prolonged period.

Although both the water with sweetener test drink and diet soft drink contained the same artificial sweetener concentrations, a greater aspartame level was recorded for those who drank the diet soft drink.

A correlation between aspartame concentration and insulin levels was observed only for diet soft drink intake and not for sweetened water test-drink. The lack of change in insulin levels after the consumption of sweetened water implies a faster metabolization as compared to diet soft drinks. Importantly, all soft drinks had a lower pH than the sweetened water test drink, which could stimulate other physiological processes than sweet taste.

Insulin levels rose after the consumption of both regular and diet soft drinks. Although initially, both regular and diet soft drinks exhibited similar rises in insulin levels, the regular soft drink led to a greater rise between T2 and T3 and subsequent decline between T3 and T4. A similar trend was observed for glucose tolerance.

The sucrose solution did not lead to any change in insulin levels over 120 minutes and remained stable over time. No change in alpha-amylase activity was observed after ingestion of sweet beverages.


A greater level of salivary aspartame was observed after the ingestion of diet soft drinks than water with sweeteners. Furthermore, higher salivary insulin levels were recorded after ingesting regular and diet soft drinks compared to the control and low sucrose content drinks.
